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regression module

Regression module.


Class object for storing regression results

__init__(self) special

Instantiate the Regression object.

Source code in mygeopackage/
def __init__(self):
    """Instantiate the Regression object.
    self.identifier = 0
    self.dependent = []
    self.independent = []
    self.coef = []
    self.intercept = []
    self.score = []
    self.residuals = []

show(self, map=None)

Show regression results on interactive web map.


Name Type Description Default
map Folium map object

If set to None, the function will create a new map object. If given the map object, the layer will be drawn on the map. Defaults to None.

Source code in mygeopackage/
def show(self,map=None):
    """Show regression results on interactive web map.

        map (Folium map object, optional): If set to None, the function will create a new map object. If given the map object, the layer will be drawn on the map. Defaults to None.
    if map == None:
        m = folium.Map(location=[self.residuals[0]['Location'][1],self.residuals[0]['Location'][0]],zoom_start=10)
        m = map
    max_value = max([self.residuals[i]['Residual'] for i in range(len(self.residuals))])
    min_value = min([self.residuals[i]['Residual'] for i in range(len(self.residuals))])
    for feature in self.residuals:

        interval = (max_value-min_value)/5
        if feature['Residual'] >= min_value and feature['Residual'] < min_value + interval:
            folium.CircleMarker((feature['Location'][1],feature['Location'][0]),radius=6,popup='Residual: '+str(feature['Residual']),fill=True,color='Purple',fill_color='Purple',fill_opacity=1).add_to(m)
        if feature['Residual'] >= min_value + interval and feature['Residual'] < min_value + 2 * interval:
            folium.CircleMarker((feature['Location'][1],feature['Location'][0]),radius=6,popup='Residual: '+str(feature['Residual']),fill=True,color='Blue',fill_color='Blue',fill_opacity=1).add_to(m)
        if feature['Residual'] >= min_value + 2 * interval and feature['Residual'] < min_value + 3 * interval:
            folium.CircleMarker((feature['Location'][1],feature['Location'][0]),radius=6,popup='Residual: '+str(feature['Residual']),fill=True,color='Yellow',fill_color='Yellow',fill_opacity=1).add_to(m)
        if feature['Residual'] >= min_value + 3 * interval and feature['Residual'] < min_value + 4 * interval:
            folium.CircleMarker((feature['Location'][1],feature['Location'][0]),radius=6,popup='Residual: '+str(feature['Residual']),fill=True,color='Orange',fill_color='Orange',fill_opacity=1).add_to(m)
        if feature['Residual'] >= min_value + 4 * interval and feature['Residual'] < max_value:
            folium.CircleMarker((feature['Location'][1],feature['Location'][0]),radius=6,popup='Residual: '+str(feature['Residual']),fill=True,color='Red',fill_color='Red',fill_opacity=1).add_to(m)

ols(geo, dependent, independent, identifier)

Perform ordinary least square linear regression.


Name Type Description Default
geo type

GEO class object that stored spatial data and attributes.

dependent int

The index of the column of dependent variable.

independent list

The list of indices of the columns of independent variables.

identifier int

The index of the column of id.



Type Description
class Regression

Return the regression results.

Source code in mygeopackage/
def ols(geo: type(Geo),dependent,independent,identifier):
    """Perform ordinary least square linear regression.

        geo (class GEO): GEO class object that stored spatial data and attributes.
        dependent (int): The index of the column of dependent variable.
        independent (list): The list of indices of the columns of independent variables.
        identifier (int): The index of the column of id.

        class Regression: Return the regression results.
    ols_results = Regression()
    ols_results.identifier = identifier
    ols_results.dependent = geo.attributes[dependent]
    ols_results.independent = [geo.attributes[i] for i in independent]
    reg = LinearRegression().fit([:,independent],[:,dependent])
    ols_results.coef = reg.coef_
    ols_results.intercept = reg.intercept_
    ols_results.score = reg.score([:,independent],[:,dependent])

    residuals =[:,dependent] - reg.predict([:,independent])
    residuals_dict = {}
    for i in range(len(residuals)):
        residuals_dict['ID'] =[i][identifier]
        residuals_dict['Location'] = [[i][0],[i][1]]
        residuals_dict['Residual'] = residuals[i]

    return ols_results

Last update: 2021-05-03